Difficulty and Balance

Balance in video game terminology refers to the concept of a character or level that is not too overwhelming or too weak/easy that it will make the gamer carry on playing and not complain about the difficulty of the game. 

Gamers with different skills may believe the game may be too easy or hard, so developers have embedded into most games a difficulty setting, which the player can determine the balance of the game which it will be playable for the gamer, thus affecting the gameplay and can be altered throughout the game, if the AI becomes too challenging/easy for the player.  At the start of any game, the difficulty of the gameplay will be quite easy for the player as they are usually introduction to the game on how to play, what different moves and buttons to help you advance in the game, which then gradually increase in difficulty as the game goes on, for example the wave of enemies increase in numbers and become stronger in terms of health and accuracy of attacks, this keeps the gamer immersed in the game making the objective more challenging.

Some examples of difficulty used in video games are FIFA, Call of Duty and Street Fighter. The use of difficulty in FIFA is usually dependent of the skill of the gamer, as they may increase the difficulty to make the AI controlled team more difficult to play against and break down to score and win.

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